87 research outputs found

    Influence of soil type differences on the distribution of DTPA extractable heavy metals in soils irrigated with industrial effluents

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    This study determined the effects of the application of industrial liquid waste from a textile factory on the distribution of DTPA extractable metals in a Pelli-Eutric Vertisol and an Eutric Fluvisol at Akaki in Ethiopia, classified according to the FAO-UNESCO Soil Classification System. The Fluvisol is slightly basic on the surface and has sandy clay to clay loam texture, while the Vertisol is strongly basic on the surface, and has clayey texture throughout the profile. Application of the industrial liquid waste modified and increased levels of DTPA metals in the treated Akaki soils compared to natural levels in the background soils. The Fluvisol has more DTPA extractable Fe, Mn, and Zn than the Vertisol. Surface Cu, Cd and Ni contents are higher in the Vertisol opposed to the Fluvisol. However, there is more enrichment of these metals within depth, in the Fluvisol. Pb concentrations in the Fluvisol are about twice as much as the Vertisol throughout the profile. Soil solution pH seems to have the greatest influence for most metals. Surface Cu and Ni of the treated Vertisol are more influenced by organic matter, while on the whole CEC has negative influence on metal availability because of competing ions. These metals generally decrease consistently with depth in the Vertisol, while in the Fluvisol the profile distribution is irregular. Leaching due to coarser textural composition and floodplain soil impacted by the contaminated river sediments are responsible for metal redistribution in the Fluvisol than in the Vertisol. There is thus greater risk of metal uptake by vegetables on the Fluvisol than the Vertisol. Key words/phrases: Background soils, contaminated soils, Fluvisol, industrial waste, Vertisol SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci Vol.26(1) 2003: 47-5

    Mineral distribution in soils of the coastal region of West-Central Senegal, West-Africa

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    Coastal plain soils of West Africa are generally saline and acid, due to seawater intrusions and pyrite oxidation, respectively. The according processes affect the mineral weathering in different ways. The objectives of the present study were twofold: (1) investigate the mineral distribution in saline acid sulfate soils of the coastal area of the Sine Saloum basin, West-central of Senegal, in order to (2) determine the incidence of the landscape position, soil salinity and acidity on their formation and cristallinity. Four profiles located at two different landscape positions: floodplain (2) and low terrace (2) were investigated. The sampling transect was placed in such a way that influences of the landscape position could be reflected in soil properties. The widespread distribution of kaolinite and smectite in the entire toposequence and the influence of eolian dusts in such distribution trend remains the main finding of this study. The clay mineral assemblage in these soils appears therefore not in true equilibrium with the pedoenvironment. Furthermore, the oxidation of pyrite followed by the distribution of the main products (Fe2+ and SO42-) represents the major chemical process responsible for iron oxides (hematite and lepidocrocite) and jarosite formation. This work demonstrates that the mineral distribution in studied soils is less affected by the salinity and acidity than the landscape position which controls the water activity and the redox cycles of S and Fe materials

    Bodenschutz und die DIN 19731 in der ökologischen Baubegleitung beim Pipelinebau

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    Die Anwendung der DIN 19731 (Verwertung von Bodenmaterial) im Pipelinebau wird beleuchtet. Zu mehreren Arbeitsschritten (Aufmietung, Aushub, Rückverfüllung, Rekutlivierung) werden praxiserprobte bodenschützende Vorgehensweisen für den Pipelinebau beschrieben

    Planner-Oriented Soil Evaluation in China with TUSEC (Technique for Soil Evaluation and Categorization for Natural and Anthropogenic Soils)

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    Purpose China is a fast developing country. In order to more rational use of soil resources, it is necessary to evaluate the functions of soils on the regional level, which can provide a reference to rational land-use planning. Method In this paper, by using the method of TUSEC (Technique for Soil Evaluation and Categorization for Natural and Anthropogenic Soils), with some modifications of the parameters according to the local situation, the soil resource in suburb of Zhengzhou City in China has been evaluated for different functions. Results The evaluation results show that the function of soil as component of water and nutrient cycles is in high levels while the function of wheat production is in the medium level in most of the area. Opposite to the function of transformation, the function of soils as filter and buffer for heavy metals in the southwest is relatively higher than the northeast. Conclusions As urbanization is inevitable, the soil functions should be considered for a sustainable land use

    Böden des Jahres 2010: Stadtböden als ökologischer und kultureller Wert sowie "des-Jahres-Kampagnen" im Vergleich

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    Das Kuratorium "Boden des Jahres" hat für 2010 die Stadtböden für ihre Kampagne ausge-wählt. Die Arbeitsgruppe "Urbane Böden" und das Kuratorium sind bei der Vorbereitung der Kampagne aktiv. Kernpunkte und Per-spek-ti-ven dieser Arbeiten werden hier vorgestellt. Indem sich die "Boden des Jahres"-Kampagne an eine breite Öffentlichkeit richtet, stellt sich die Frage, wie das Thema Stadtböden vermittelbar ist. Angesichts dessen, dass Böden und Stadtböden im Besonderen bei der Mehrzahl der Bevölkerung kein Schwerpunktthema der schulischen Ausbildung ist oder war, müssen Anknüpfungspunkte gefunden werden, um für das Thema (Stadt-) Böden zu interessieren

    Einfluss von Intensität und Zeitpunkt der Bodenbearbeitung auf Ertragsbildung von Weizen und N-Dynamik in Wasserschutzgebieten

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    Water protection is controlled by specific regulations in the German Federal States, e.g. the SchALVO in Baden-Württemberg. An amendment of the SchALVO demands, amongst others, a changed timing and intensity of soil tillage directly after growing crops with high-nitrogen residues. As Organic Farming highly relies on soil tillage for weed control, there is concern about decrease of yield and increase of weed infesta-tion in water protection areas if tillage is restricted. Field experiments were performed on practical farms with three treatments according to SchALVO (rigid tine cultivator or mouldboard plough for primary tillage, used in October, December or February) and two treatments according to best management practice (mouldboard plough in Octo-ber or November). The treatments were combined with growing either winter wheat or spring wheat, depending on the date of tillage. There were no significant differences between the SchALVO and the practice-related treatments for yield, yield parameters, protein content and weed infestation, whereas there were differences between the winter crop and spring crop. The total Nmin in soil was slightly lower in the SchALVO treatments. Here, Nmin reached 39 – 42 kg Nmin ha-1 (mean of the experimental years), compared to the practice-related treatments with 42 or 43 kg Nmin ha-1 in the sub-experiment exemplarily presented in this paper. These differences were not significant at P ≤ 0.05. Mean Nmin was 38.5 kg ha-1 before starting the experiment. The lowest Nmin was found after using a cultivator in October. Since the one-time use of a cultiva-tor instead of the plough did not result in obvious disadvantages for the crop, the risk of yield reduction and increased weed infestation seems to be small. Nevertheless, if the initial number of perennial weeds, e.g. thistles, is high, a plough is supposed to be more effective for weed control than non-inversion tillage by cultivator

    Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas

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    Sustainable Development; Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Agricultur

    Algoritma Kompresi Fraktal Sequential Dan Paralel Untuk Kompresi Citra

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    Kompresi citra adalah proses mengurangi ukuran dari citra dengan mengurangi kualitas dari citra tersebut. Metode Fraktal yang digunakan bekerja dengan mencari kemiripan pada piksel-piksel citra dan mengelompokkannya dalam beberapa cluster. Semakin tinggi tingkat kemiripan pada citra, rasio kompresi akan semakin baik. Pada citra berwarna (RGB) metode tersebut diulang sebanyak tiga kali, masing-masing untuk satu elemen warna. Hasil akhir dari proses kompresi adalah tiga virtual codebook, masing-masing untuk satu elemen warna, yang menyimpan nilai dari brightness, contrast, dan tipe transformasi affine yang digunakan untuk tiap cluster. Proses dekompresi dari metode ini adalah dengan membentuk citra kosong dengan resolusi yang sama dengan citra asli dan mengisikan nilai RGB pada tiap piksel yang bersangkutan dengan menghitung nilai yang tersimpan pada virtual codebook. Dengan menggunakan nilai Coefficient of Variation (CV) sebagai penyesuaian nilai standar deviasi dan 57 citra BMP24-bit, hasil pengujian menunjukkan rasio kompresi rata-rata sebesar 41.79%. Dengan metode paralel yang digunakan, proses kompresi citra berwarna menunjukkan rata-rata nilai speed-up sebesar 1.69 dan nilai efisiensi prosesor sebesar 56.34%. Image compression is a process of reducing the size of the image by reducing the quality of the image. Fractal method is used to work by searching for similarities in the image pixels, and group them in clusters. The higher the degree of resemblance to the image, the better the compression ratio. In the color image (RGB) the method is repeated three times, each for one color element.The end result of the compression process is a three virtual codebook, each for one color element, which stores the value of the brightness, contrast, and the type of affine transformation are used for each cluster. Decompression process of this method is to form a blank image with the same resolution with the original image and fill in the RGB values at each pixel corresponding to the count value stored in the virtual codebook.By using the Coefficient of Variation (CV) as an adjustment value and standard deviation of 57 pieces of 24-bit BMP images, test results showed an average compression ratio of 41.79%. With the parallel method is used, the compression process of color image shows the average speed-up values of 1.69 and the processor efficiency of 56.34%

    Ein Eisen-Bändchen-Stagnogley in der Bodengesellschaft der mittleren Arktis Kanadas

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    Die Untersuchungsergebnisse beschreiben und deuten einen mittelarktischen Boden, der bei der Kartierung als Bändchen-Podsol bezeichnet wurde, aufgrund der weiteren Betrachtung aber eher als „arktischer Bändchen-Stagnogley" eingestuft werden müßte. Seine Morphologie ist durch laterale Zufuhr von Kalk, Eisen- und Manganhydroxiden und deren fraktionierte Fällung im Profil geprägt. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf die große Bedeutung der chemischen Verwitterung bei der Bodenbildung in der mittleren Arktis hin.researc